Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

You're gonna miss this....

Back in the dark ages, after I started driving, and
secured a job as a soda jerkette at Doc's drugstore;
it became a ritual of sorts for my best friend, Kay
and I to take Mikey to the drive-in on Friday nights.

In the beginning, he was only five so he sat in the car with us. 
As time progressed, and he became older, his friend Jeffie would
also go, and  I'd lay a quilt in front of the car for them; load
em up with pop corn, candy, corn dogs and "cold drinks"
as our other brother always referred to soda's.

We had a good reason for this:  Lawd forbid that any
of the cute guys who might pass by think we had children.
Are you kidding me?
As time passed, and I got married, moved away
from home, Mikey knew that when my husband
was away in the Army, he could expect me to still
take him to the drive-in just as he knew I'd give him
a dollar out of my $47.50 weekly paycheck.

Before I knew it, more time had passed.
Mikey got all growed up, and married his childhood
sweetheart, Wanda at the age of 19.
Just a BABY!!
After this, he and his bride
would take my daughter to the movies.  They've
been married now for 38 years-I can hardly believe it!

Mikey and Dad January 17, 1973

The tables have turned; my baby brother
is now my protector, he calls most every
day to check on me.  He's like an old
mother hen with all of us, his family
 and mine, and we love him for it.
I just don't like him to worry about me,
but he does. 

But, you know of those dark ages, as Trace Adkins
sings "You're gonna miss this".
Those bygone days,
yes, I surely do!

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