Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

This child...

is growin' up too fast for me.

A couple of weeks ago, she and I attended
Family Literacy Night at her school.  It was
for all grades, but mostly the kindergartner's
showed up with their parents/grands/greats, etc.  (I guess
once you've gone, it's repetitious.)  Anyway, it lasted
about 2 1/2 hours with most of the time being separated
into groups; kids and grown-ups.  When we met up later,
and walking to the car I asked her how she enjoyed it:
"Well, the hot dogs were good!" 

I figured it was a waste of time (except for the hot dogs).
A few nights ago, I showed her a couple of books:
"Hunter, I got these for you so we can learn to read together."
"You did?  Who are the author's and illustrators?"
I guess she showed me!

Have a wonderful day!

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