Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

In the beginning....

It started as a small group of 13 year old girls;
sittin' on the back row giggling gettin' the
evil eye from the preacher.

Then, as time went on;
sittin' in the choir loft
bellowing out favorite
songs 'cause we thought we could sing.

Goin' to youth fellowship on Weds and Sunday nights.

Then, as the years went by:
Skippin' Sunday night services to ride through the old cemetery with the "boys" and making it back for fellowship.

More importantly, walkin' down the aisle,
tears streaming to meet HIM.
A joyful moment in my life.
I never forgot.
I never will.

And, I'll never forget going back to this church
ten years ago with my bff, Kay,  just two months
before she passed away from a long, long battle
with Leukemia.

We sat on the back row whispering, remembering
and tearing up for what once was.
Another moment in time I'll cherish
in my heart, always.

Those years led me to become a youth minister for a long time, at first with my then 5 year old daughter being the "mascot".  Those teenagers taught me more than I could ever have taught them.
Have a wonderful day!

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