Selasa, 19 April 2011

Have you played this before?

Help feed the hungry!
I know this has been around quite some time,
but it's still something I like and is for a great
cause !  It's a word game ; for every one you
get correct, ten grains of rice are donated for
the hungry by the advertisers. 
This is one time, I don't mind ads !
We're in kind of contemplative mood around here;
just my daughter and I.  It's on both of our minds as
each day draws nearer to what would have been
Ben's birthday on the 30th.  He would be 20. I
know he wouldn't want us to be mournful, and actually
as most every one can attest I've tried to
celebrate his beautiful life instead.  There
are the dates though, as we all know,
that hit us smack in the face.

On a brighter note !  How do you like my new web design?
Isn't it awesome!  Thanks once again to my friend KAREN!
Having a personal web guru makes me feel like royalty!
Will and his bride to be have nothin' on me!
Hope you're havin' a wonderful, blessed day!
It's pretty here, but HOT this afternoon!!

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