Selasa, 08 November 2011

The dance.....

As our babies are growing, we watch them discover the world. This new place they've never been.  We witness the wonder as they begin to recognize the faces of those who truly love them; the ones who will hold their hand as they begin to walk through the path of life.

We are amazed at the progress as they turn the corners from infancy, to early childhood to adolescence, to young adult.  As we stand beside them, they grow taller while we seem to shrink in stature.  One day, we open the front door, there they stand, tall and straight.  We may have to look up to them, they are grown.  We blinked our eyes once, it seemed, and it happened.

I looked deep into the eyes of my granddaughter, when she was seventeen, as she stood in my presence.  I saw this young girl graciously reach out her hand to me and asked me if I was ready.  My heart began to sing a new song.  The lyrics were the same as days of old, but the melody was somehow sweeter than ever before.  We were going out in the world that day to continue the dance we had begun l7 years before.  This time she would lead, I would follow.  We were smiling.


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