Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

13 months later....

(This is why we're so thankful Brittney is with us today.  Her truck
was upside down, and she was pulled from the driver seat through
the rear window. Her foot was trapped under the brake pedal, and
that's why the foot was hanging by one tendon. Some have asked
what happened; she lost control split the pole, and flipped 3 times.)

They put a new cast from knee to foot yesterday, and we are
that in another 1-3 months, she'll be able to walk again.
Thank you God and good doctors!

On another front:
Did you hear?
J.R., Bobby and Sue Ellen
are returning to "Dallas'?

The girls just left this afternoon
and I'm headed to the sofa.
When they leave, I cry, and can't
wait 'til they return even though
they slap dab wear me out!
No wonder, Hunter calls me
"old woman".

Have a great weekend wherever you are,
stay safe and warm!
God bless.

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