Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Basking in the glow.....

Thanks to all who wished me a Happy Birthday, yesterday!

I had a beautiful day and evening!

Hunter was with me most of the day which made
it even more special.  I have to tell you what she
said:  She was in the tub watching me fix my hair.
I'm letting it grow out, and it's buggin' me something fierce.
So, I put a barrette on one side, looked at her and
asked: "Do I look stupid?" 

She took a moment, squinched up her nose, then said:
"What the heck, it's your birthday!"

My brother and sis-in-law made me a cake and,
 took me to Longhorns, YUM!!
And, they gave me something I've been needing and
wanting for a long time:
I was seriously super excited, and turned on the jukebox, danced around the kitchen!
We laughed so hard!
Have a wonderful day, and weekend!

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