Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

My cup runneth over.....

Through my years of blogging,
I've met some incredible friends.
I've been humbled by the kindness of so many;
you've lent shoulders to cry on,
lifted me up with sweet words. 

I've received lovely gifts in the mail,
including flowers (you know who you are).
Each have been appreciated more than
you can begin to imagine.

Some have even laughed at my corny jokes;
yes, I know I'm a cornball at times.
I wasn't born blonde for no reason!

Yesterday, as I worked in the yard, someone
was laboring behind the scenes on my behalf!
Since I'm computer illiterate, My sweet friend KAREN
of This Old House Too, you would love her blog by the way,
graciously redesigned my blog!


Thank you Karen, and all of you who have stuck with me
here in blog land.  I treasure our friendships!

God Bless and have a wonderful day!

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