Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Dear neighbor Buck....

You really are a good neighbor.
Why, when I was out there doin'
my nekkid rain dances, you being the
ultimate gentleman, didn't come outside
(like a few others who were curious).

The first time I met you, you came to a stop
on your Harley offering advice about the
weeds that had taken over my yard.

Now that I've gotten to know you,
I see you love your Harley, your fast truck
and sporty car. However, yesterday when you saw
me out there tryin' to whack those weeds, and offered
me the use of your lawn mower, since mine's in the shop,
I had no idea when I accepted your offer what I was in for.

So, this morning (oh, thank GOD you weren't home) when I
cranked that wild baby up, I went flyin' through my yard,
across the street and clear up part of the neighbor's over there.

I think I'll stick to nekkid rain dances.
But, thank you anyway, Buck!

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