Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Ever feel like this?

Yeah, well that's how my daughter and I have been
over this DANG computer!  It works, then it doesn't,
then it does.  Get the picture?

Of course, after I send emails to those of whom I had addresses
for, I get up this morning and HELLO it's workin' again.
Don't know for how long, but I'm happy for this moment!

But the really good news?
Remember my neighbor Buck, who let me use his lawn mower
and I almost ran over several people. Okay, that's an exaggeration,
but I tend to do that.  LOL

Anyway, boy am I blessed or what!  He fixed mine!
Peaches, my mower is ready, set, go!
And, to top it all off, my brother came
over and took care of some other things
that needed work.

PLUS, two boy scouts (my neighbor Carol's grandsons)
mowed my yard while Buck was workin' on Peaches!

I'm counting my blessings this morning!
And, I wish you a blessed, beautiful Sunday!

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