Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Aflack and Lola........

Right up front, I'm tellin' on myself.
I'm afraid to touch anything with feathers.
I'm sorry, I know some of you won't understand.
But, that's the way it is.
I also have a very hard time saying NO.

I don't know what in the sam hill Matt was thinkin'
when he brought home two baby ducks for Hunter.
They do NOT live on any type of water nor do
they have a pond.

Evidently baby ducks grow up very fast, and Brittney
was at her wits end.  They started out in a storage bin,
outgrew that and were then put into a HUGE box.

I kept hearing "I don't know what to do with these ducks!"
She called my brother and asked if she could put them
in the lake.  He told her yes BUT it would have to be
after dark because his neighbors would have a fit.

So, I was over there last week and Britt said;
"I just had a lightbulb moment. MeMaw, you
could put the ducks in the retention pond
behind your house!"  WHAT?
Yes, there are ducks there but not those
yellow kind, plus they have mama's and
daddy's.  I didn't know how they would
get along back there.  She kept on and on and on

Finally, I said "alright already". 
Well, we decided to put them in the
original storage bin.  Then, she told Hunter
to pick up the ducks, and Hunter said "no way".
I told Britt; "pick up the da*n things"  And, she said
"no way".  Do you see where I'm going with this?

So, yes I sucked it up and picked up the feathery
things, put them in the bin, then into my car.
I'm driving down the road thinkin' "what if they
get out of that bin?"  I kept lookin' back and
I could see their heads; also they were floppin'
back and forth making me a nervous wreck!

So, I started praying about it.  "Please Lord, help me
find a good, safe place for these cute ducks.  And, please
let it be so I don't have to touch them again!"
I was serious.  I'm gettin' goosebumps just talkin'
about this. Yes, dammit I'm a weinie, but that's
the way I am, so be quiet.  :)

I was about half way home (they live an hour from me, you know) and I remembered a park that I thought had "water".
So, I pulled in there and couldn't find the water.  I
started over again driving through there, and found it.
As soon as I saw the water, I knew it would not be
safe to place the little things in there.  HOWEVER,
I saw a fisher man walking up from his boat.

"Hey, mister do you think it would be safe to put
these ducks in there?"  He looked around, and said
"highly doubtful".  Then he asked to see the ducks,
and when he looked at them he told me he had
a good friend that had a pond on his property, felt
sure he wouldn't mind having the ducks!

Divine intervention.
That's all I can think.
Bye bye Aflack and Lola.
I wish you both a happy life!

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